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Invite users

If you are the owner of an Organization, you can invite other members to participate and share knowledge.

Written by Artuur Engelen
Updated over a week ago

Only the owner of an Group can invite other members. The user who added a new organization will automatically be the owner of this organization.

To invite new members, first on the chainweel on top of your screen. Then click on "Groups". Click then on the right group and on "invite new users".

Then enter the e-mail address of the invited person.
If this person is already a Knowlex user, his/her name will be shown to select from.
If he/she is not using Knowlex yet, you will have to enter the full email address and click "Invite".

The invited user will receive an email notifying him/her who invited him/her to which organization. In this email a direct login button will be present so you can start sharing knowledge fast and easy.

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